Task 2: Digital Citizenship

"Digital citizenship is about understanding how to navigate, interact and communicate online" 
(Indiana Jen, Feb 2014).


 The CyberWise website included a great video called "What is Digital Citizenship?" (above) that talks about many aspects of Digital Citizenship. 

Target Audience

My research on safe, responsible and ethical use of the web is targeted at secondary school level. Teachers may find the information on the following pages useful to use in their own classrooms:

Poster description

I decided to create a poster about how to attribute Creative Commons (CC) licensed images. Too often I see CC licensed images on websites that have no or scant acknowledgement of the author and it's source. I think it is important to teach children how to correctly acknowledge the use of other peoples work, especially in an online environment.

The poster I have created is aimed at secondary school students. The language is relatively simple so this poster could also be used for primary school children. However, if you want to use it for for primary school students I suggest you replace the images with more "fun" cartoon type images that would appeal better to younger children.

I use Word, PowerPoint, and Photoshop to create most of my graphics and "how to" instructions so I thought I'd like to try a new technology for creating my poster. After researching and trying a few of the tools suggested on the Technology Toolbox for Educators (TT4ED) website I finally decided to use Piktochart. I liked the designs and I found it very easy to use. I just dragged and dropped the text and icon elements in position and then uploaded my TT4ED image and I had my poster created in about 30 minutes!

Downloadable versions of my digital guidelines poster

My poster PDF version
Adobe Acrobat Document 854.5 KB
My Poster PNG version
Portable Network Image Format 746.9 KB