My first blog

I have never created a website or blog before. I thought it would be very difficult and that you would need some programming skills, but it was really very simple. I just created my account, then followed the on-screen instructions for creating a website. All went well. 

Then all I had to do was drag the appropriate element onto my page to add text or images. I used the picture element to add a picture to my home page. I added a new page (clicked on the pages tab) and selected the "blog" type page to create my first post.

I had a quick glance at the information on the Technology Toolbox for Educators >> Web page and the article "Simple ideas for website design" caught my attention. It provided some great hints for beginners about website & web page design, so now I'm going to add another page to add some information "about me" so that visitors (hopefully my peers) can send me feedback throughout the semester. 

I also had to create a blog as we are required to write regular blogs posts throughout the semester to reflect on our learning. Luckily the free website I selected (Jimdo) has a blog element so creating my blog was just a matter of click on the icon and typing in my text. I've never written a blog and was unsure about what to include. Luckily the unit includes some blog guidelines!  Humm, well I've already mentioned my learning and problem solving strategies above and now a little about the content and my feelings.  And as you can see I've also added some hyperlinks!

I'm looking forward to adding to my website as the semester progresses. I think knowing how to create a website and blog will be very useful skills for teaching my own students. Stay tuned, I'll be back as soon as I discover how to add a picture to my blog post :)

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